Hello Activists! We are writing to extend a warm invitation to Pages for Individuals in Prison’s Book chapter event, Invest in Education: Literature Through the Lens of Prison Abolition this Friday, April 26th, at the Multi-Purpose Room in the SRB (doors open @ 4:45 pm).At this event, you’ll have a chance to learn about the school-to-prison pipeline, the work Pages for Individuals in Prison (PIP) does on-campus, and meet UCSB Alumni and author published in Books Through Bars, Julia Chin. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, participate in games, grab free dinner, and get the chance to win a book!This event will be a great opportunity for anyone interested in learning about how to get involved in social justice work at UCSB, share your insights on the discussion topics, and expand your knowledge and understanding on the prison industrial complex!We would appreciate any and all help with distributing the following information to your peers! If you have any comments, questions, or concerns please email us at as-hrbcochair@ucsb.edu or as-hrb@ucsb.edu.Best,
Pages for Individuals In Prison
A.S. Human Rights Board 2023-24