After you’ve filled out the Request Access form and have received confirmation that you are an event planner…

Click on Submit an Event If you have already submitted events, you can view your events from this screen by clicking on “Your Events”

If you choose some options e.g. if you want tickets for your site, you will get another set of questions that are specific to the option you selected
Need a cashier?
In the Event Cost field, choose Pay or Pay (free for students)
Choose Advanced Ticketing options
You need to specify how many you want. Note, If an ASTO cashier sells tickets the night of the event, the fee is $10 per hour.

When you select AN ADDITIONAL SERVICE, an email with your event’s information will be sent to the contact points at THAT SERVICE. They can then coordinate with you about your requests.
Editing Events
*note: if you are a student, contact your advisor to make the edits.
Home Page > Log in > User Control Center > Click on Your Events
Click Edit for the event you want to change
Make your edits and click the update button at the bottom of the page.
Questions? Contact us at